Where can I find the Best Dentist in Keller?
07 Jul 2018, by Dentist inIf you’re looking for the best dentist in Keller for a professional teeth cleaning, congratulations – you already know the importance of keeping your teeth and gums healthy and plaque-free, which means you’re on top of your dental health. Visiting the professionals at Wharry Family Dental for a professional teeth cleaning is always a good way to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

Best Dentist in Keller
A routine professional teeth cleaning is the type most people think of when getting their teeth cleaned. Dental cleanings are great for removing plaque, tartar and superficial stains from the margins of your gum line and the crowns (the visible part) of your teeth. A routine cleaning is recommended for patients with good oral health who don’t suffer from bone loss or other problems associated with gum disease such as bleeding, recession or loose teeth.
But sometimes a periodontal teeth cleaning, or deeper cleaning, is needed to remove plaque deposits from under the gums, to restore the health of your smile. During a periodontal cleaning our best dentist in Keller performs a routine teeth cleaning but then goes a few steps further by cleaning the “pockets” between the gums and the teeth beneath the gum-line. These pockets can collect excess amounts of plaque which, if not removed, can eventually lead to gingivitis, bone loss, and loose teeth. During a periodontal cleaning your dentist or dental hygienist removes all the plaque, calculus, and debris from below the gum line, and smoothes and planes the roots of the teeth. A deep cleaning will prevent the progression of gum disease and help restore the health of the periodontal tissues.
The dedicated professionals at Wharry Family Dental prioritize your comfort at every visit, and we keep pace with advanced approaches to help you feel more relaxed during your treatment. Call today to schedule an appointment with our best dentist in Keller!
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